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Let's get your car in tip-top shape

Basic Synthetic Blend Oil Change - $34.95

Enjoy a premium oil change experience with up to 5 quarts of synthetic blend oil that exceeds OEM standards, a high-quality oil filter, and a thorough tire pressure check. Plus, we’ll top off your washer fluid and include a complimentary visual safety and maintenance inspection to ensure your vehicle is performing at its best.

Add a tire rotation for just $10 more!

Basic Full Synthetic Oil Change - $54.95

Receive everything in our Basic Synthetic Blend Oil Change, but using our Performance Plus 0W20 or 0W16 exceeding OEM standards.

Add a tire rotation for just $10 more!

Euro Synthetic Oil Change - $64.95

Receive everything in our other oil changes, but using our high quality 5W40 or 5W30 Euro Synthetic Oil that meets or exceeds OEM standards.

Add a tire rotation for just $10 more!

*All prices are pre-tax. Oil change includes up to 5 qts oil and standard filter. Additional oil or specialty oil and/or filters will require additional fees. Oil quoted is for house brands. Any specialty oils additional. Does not include any diagnostic or inspection times beyond visual inspection. Non-car diesel oil changes not included in pricing.

Let's Get You Scheduled

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